House in Cable Beach
The climate in Broome allows for design opportunities that don't exist in the southern climates. This house is a testament to that. The plan of this house is unique in that it has two main closable building envelopes connected by a large covered but open deck area. The bedrooms are on one side of the building and the living on the other. The open deck area becomes a comfortable place to live in between the living and sleeping areas.
The materials are wonderfully simple in their expression. The roof trusses are exposed to the underside of the iron in the central open area, allowing for a greater sense of height in the space. The slight offset in the plan also allows for the front garden to encroach into the outside living area and allow the two to become one. The success of this project is in the beautiful simplicity of the floor plan and the way it can open, close, and be inside and outside all at once.
If you like, you can stay there. Details of its Airbnb listing can be found here: Broome Beach House, Cable Beach, Broome WA.