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Paxton Architecture is an established design-oriented practice in Melbourne, Australia, led by architect Fraser Paxton. Paxton Architecture specialises in residential architecture and commercial, civic, and educational architecture around Melbourne and Australia. We approach challenges in construction with a solutions-based approach where we work collaboratively with clients and consultant teams to achieve the best possible outcome for the projects we take on. At Paxton Architecture, we apply our expertise in designing for relevant construction methods on a case-by-case basis, whether the project calls for conventional or more advanced construction methods.


Fraser Paxton is an architect registered in Victoria with over 20 years of experience in architecture around Australia. Fraser is a specialist in prefabricated buildings, having significant experience and expertise in many forms of prefabrication, including panelised, volumetric, and smaller component-based building elements such as SIP (structural insulated panels) buildings. He has travelled widely in his ongoing research into prefabrication techniques, including to Sweden with PrefabAUS and also through seven prefabrication specialist companies in Japan with Dr Masa Noguchi on the ZEMCH Zero Energy Mass Custom Housing tour of leaders in the field of zero energy architecture. Part of Fraser’s expertise comes from his PhD research at the University of Melbourne in the Centre for Advanced Manufacturing of Prefabricated Housing. Fraser Paxton brings specialist expertise to designing architecture of any scale for prefabrication, moving towards a more progressive and sustainable future in the construction industry and the built environment.

Specialist services

  • Architectural Design

  • Residential Architecture

  • Designing for prefabrication

  • Commercial and civic architecture

  • Educational architecture

  • Sustainable architecture

  • Offsite construction and manufacturing methods

  • Consulting on early design for prefabrication

Fraser Paxton


Topography: a collection of work (Book) Contributor, Richard Black & Martyn Hook, Published 2004 RMIT Press.


Mobile Landscapes. (Book) Contributor, Richard Black, Published 2007. RMIT Press.


Platform (Book). Contributor, Melanie Dodd. Published 2006. RMIT Press.           


Moving assembly line for low-cost mass customised homes. Fraser Paxton, Lu Aye & Felix Hui

Australian Research Council Centre for Advanced Manufacturing of Prefabricated Housing, Department of Infrastructure Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Vic 3010, Australia.

Moving assembly line for low cost mass customised homes (

A minimum viable product design of volumetric building modules. Fraser Paxton, Jen Vu, Felix Hui & Lu Aye. Australian Research Council Centre for Advanced Manufacturing of Prefabricated Housing, Department of Infrastructure Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Vic 3010, Australia.

A minimum viable product design of volumetric building modules (


Lean manufacturing’s inroads into construction. Built Offsite Magazine. Fraser Paxton & Tuan Ngo. Lean manufacturing’s inroads into construction - built offsite


The Art of Mass Customisation. Built Offsite Magazine. Fraser Paxton & Tuan Ngo. The Art of Mass Customisation - Built Offsite


Prefabrication in Japan. Built Offsite Magazine. Fraser Paxton. Japanese tales - Built Offsite


The Age Newspaper. Jenny Brown. How an extension warped a holiday house (

Built Offsite Architects and Prefab: Link to forum discussion here


ZEMCH Zero Energy Mass Custom Housing – Japanese Housing Tour 2017. Tour of Japanese prefabricated housing manufacturers, including Sekisui House, Daiwa Home, Sekisui Heim, Tokyo University


PrefabAus Sweden Study Tour 2017. Study Tour of Swedish Prefabricated Housing Manufactuers, including Ikea Boklok, Eksjohus, Myresjohus, Husknuten, Randek Factory.



Flinders Street Station Redevelopment International Design Competition. Paxton Architecture submitted a proposal for the Victorian Government's design competition to re-imagine Flinders Street Railway station. 




International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam 2003: Mobility - A Room with a View.

© 2024 Paxton Architecture Pty Ltd

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